Monday, November 24, 2008

About Capiz

Province of Capiz

Dubbed as the "Seafood Capital of the Philippines", Capiz boasts of its 80-kilometer coastline and wide expanse of swampy land easily covered into fishponds. It holds one of the country's richest fishing grounds and is a major contributor to the aquamarine industry.Full of enchantment and mystery, Capiz claims to possess several legends and beliefs from which the name "Capiz" originated. More popular of these belief stories is that Capiz comes from the word "kapid" (which means twin). When the Spaniards settled in the place, they found it difficult to pronounce the word "kapid" thus giving birth to the name "Capiz". Still , some old folks claim that Capiz got its name from "kapis", a shell of the mollusk family that is very much abundant in the place.Capiz is one of the provinces comprising the Western Visayas Region. It is composed of 16 municipalities, 1 city and 473 barangays. (the second lowest in Region VI). Farming and fishing are the primary sources of income of the people. Capiz is blessed with very rich fishing grounds that makes it popular as the "Seafood Capital of the Philippines". Apart from the surplus of agricultural products it generates each year, Capiz is also the country's major supplier of prawns and milkfish.

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